Friday, April 10, 2009

Million Dollar Forex Trading Tips

Thousands of people across the globe are making money trading in the Forex market and with thousands more coming online to try their hand at trading it's really no secret that Forex can be very profitable.
Having said that, for new traders, Forex can be a dangerous place to trade.
Plunging head long into the Forex market completely blind and without a solid base of knowledge is like waving a red flag in front of a mad bull...something you just shouldn't do!
However if you read and follow these few simple tips, your chance of achieving great success are heightened substantially.
Following are 3 solid tips for new traders in the forex market.
1. Know What Influences the Forex Market and Stay Abreast of World News
The Forex Market is open for trading 24 hours a day , 5 days a week worldwide. So shifts in the world paradigm can be acted on instantly in real time with no waiting for the start of trading in Forex. Everyone has access to the information and whether it's 2 am, 8 am, 7 pm or any time in between..investors are poised and ready to profit from movements in the market.
What are the things that influence the forex market? As Forex is globally traded, any event in any corner of the earth can affect the Forex market. More specifically, any event that could potentially change one currency's value against another will have an effect on the market.
For example any of the following could have an effect of the Forex Market: any change in interest rates, inflation and diplomatic relations between countries could cause big changes in the market. These are just some of the events you should be in tune with.
To succeed as a trader, it is vital to stay abreast of global events so that you can monitor and attempt to predict how the market will change and then trade according to that information.
2. Check Your Emotions at the Door.
Any trading whether it's Forex, Stocks, Bonds, Penny Stocks, a form of gambling, and as any good gambler knows the most dangerous bets are made when emotion are running high. All traders feel gut instincts from time to time, but any trade should always be well thought out and made within the confines of your strategy. Traders may get lucky from time to time going with their gut, but far more times than not, gut reactions are unreliable and they can cost you mucho dinero. Plan your trades and follow your plan! The following adage is true 99.9% of the time....When you fail to plan and prepare, you plan and prepare to fail!
For example, planning at what point to stop a deal is vitally important to your making money in forex, so you should always know at what point you are going to pull out. When the deal reaches this point, follow your plan no matter what your gut is telling you.
3. The Best Tool You Have is Your Mind! Use It and Get Prepared to Succeed!
All successful traders are constantly studying, testing, and learning from their mistakes as well as their successes. There are hundreds of different techniques you can use when trading Forex that will enhance your profitability. Learning more about existing tools and techniques and studying up on new tools and methods as they enter the marketplace can and will increase your earnings.
As with learning anything new, you won't become a master overnight.
Focus on the basic techniques and strategies to start, and once you feel confident that you're using basic stuff well and making some small successful trades, move on to other techniques, add them to your arsenal and add to your earnings.
Study both your successes and mistakes moving forward and never ever stop learning

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